Two reception children enjoying a book in the library

News & Blog

Webber School Priorities 2023

29th November 2023

Our School Priorities for this academic year, 2023 – 2024, Memorable Learning, Wellbeing and Phase 2 of the Green Plan. Our Vision: Our children have a lifelong love of learning…

Education Terms Debunked

24th November 2023

Education Terms Debunked As you navigate your child’s education you will likely encounter complex language, specialist terms, and one too many acronyms! As parents, you want to be fully informed…

Anti-Bullying Week 2023

6th November 2023

Anti-bullying Week November 13 – 17th 2023 This year’s focus is: ‘Make a Noise About Bullying’. The theme of Make a Noise About Bullying came about following consultation with teachers…

The Importance and Benefits of Character Education in Schools

27th October 2023

The Importance and Benefits of Character Education in Schools   The measures of a quality education extend far beyond academic attainment and exam results. However, many parents and schools often…

The Webber is A-Buzz!

23rd October 2023

The Webber is A-Buzz! Local Independent School The Webber, has been a hive of activity this year as they settle in resident bees and launch an Eco Bee Club to…

GCSE Success for Webber Independent Students

24th August 2023

Students at The Webber Independent School are celebrating yet another successful year of GCSE results across all subjects, with 98% of results for the Year 11 cohort achieving a GCSE grade 4…

King’s Coronation Celebrations at The Webber Independent School 2023

22nd May 2023

Earlier this month, the whole school celebrated the King’s Coronation, from Nursery up to Year 11.  In the Nursery, children designed their own crowns to wear in their Crown Parade…


22nd July 2022

On Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th June we welcomed our extended Webber Families to join us and cheer on our Pupils at Sport Day! Tuesday kicked off with our Nursery…


22nd July 2022

On Friday 8th July under warm, blue skies, this year’s residential departed for PGL Little Canada on the Isle of Wight, with 48 excited Year 3 to 7 pupils. After…


22nd July 2022

We are delighted to finally be able to share with you the fantastic news that The Webber Nursery received a GOOD grade in all areas in our recent Ofsted report….