Student council

Open Events

Undoubtedly, there is nothing quite like a first-hand experience at The Webber.

Every day is an Open Day 

Our school is a hive of activity which we would love for you to experience.

It is the perfect way to understand our academic approach, focus on life and employability skills, and understand how we develop a growth mindset. Please get in touch with Sandra Murchison our Registrar on 01908 574740  email  

Or sign up to one of our events listed below by completing the form below.


Meet the Teacher Year 6 transition to Year 7 

Prospective parents we are offering you and your child two exciting opportunities to visit The Webber Independent School and experience the buzz and exciting Senior School. Visit The Webbers exceptional Subject Specialist Teachers and see our engaging and challenging school environment ahead of your child’s transition to Year 7.